In smart home applications, the smart plug is one of the most basic components. It controls the on/off state of any device connected. We have innovated and made a prototype. Our plug supports WIFI-MQTT communication. You control the plugs through MQTT client. It is as simple as that.
Once the plug is powered on, it will search and connect to the target WIFI automatically. Our plug also supports APSTA configuration. We choose the MQTT protocol, as it is the most widely used in the IOT world. You can also use other protocols such as HTTPs. Our solution has a major advantage: you don’t need to pass through any third-party cloud service and so you have direct control of your software and data.
Here’s how we work. After understanding your specific needs, we make a fresh prototype together. We can provide you with the whole SDK document and development kit. Once validated, we work directly with a factory to prepare for its production. We get the factory involved as early as possible to anticipate manufacturing constraints.
We are a team based in France and in China. We speak French, Chinese and English. If you are looking for a technical and culture facilitator in your projects or are interested in connected devices for your project, do contact us for more information.